Project & Accomplishments


A Winner of Apple's Swift Student Challenge, being among of 350 winners around the world.My app submission being "Tracklist," a music review/rating app is accepted to win the challenge and I'm on my way to submit the app to the App Store!

Learn more about Tracklist app on Twitter: Tracklist's Twitter Account


Participated in Swift Student Challenge, but I didn't win.

A Participant in Malaysia's Digital Ninja, being among 300+ students across Malaysia to join the competition. So far, I also didn't make it to the Stage 2.


Participated in Swift Student Challenge, but I didn't win.

I did a booth about iOS Development (and app development in general) on my school's STEM Fair, not the best booth but at least I did share my interest!

“If you are too focused on the destination, I think you will miss the journey.”
- Craig Federighi.